How Long Will This Take?
The Vroom Content Adaptation Toolkit takes about four to six hours to complete. You can stop and start as often as you like. You can also come back to sections you want to read again.
The whole process from this point to final adaptation approval can take about seven to eight weeks or more, depending on the scale of your project and how much Vroom Content is adapted. This assumes that you will spend at least a week or two reviewing this Toolkit, preparing an adaptation plan, and drafting and submitting a Content License application. Please allow up to three weeks for Vroom to review and respond to your application. Vroom Content adaptation review can be also lengthy process. Please allow for at least two weeks from the time you submit your first 25 adapted Tips for Vroom to review them and provide feedback. Depending on the amount of Vroom Content you are adapting, this review process may require several rounds of feedback and updates prior to adaptation approval.

Steps to Adapting Vroom Content
Step 1: TOOLKIT – Complete this Toolkit to prepare to adapt and use Vroom Content.
Step 2: APPLICATION – Apply for a Vroom A.L.T. Content License.
Step 3: APPLICATION REVIEW – Vroom reviews your application.
Step 4: BECOME A LICENSEE – If Vroom approves your application, you will be provided with a license agreement to sign and return.
Step 5: ADAPT – Begin adapting Vroom Content according to the guidelines outlined in this Toolkit.
Step 6: SUBMIT ADAPTATIONS AND MATERIALS FOR VROOM APPROVAL – Content adaption and use of Vroom Trademarks requires approval by Vroom. This is to ensure that both the science behind Vroom and our name and logo are used appropriately. This may require a little back-and-forth based on the feedback we provide before final approval is granted.
Even if you complete this Toolkit AND apply for an A.L.T. Content License and are approved, you will still need to submit all adaptations to Vroom for approval.
If you’re not sure if Vroom Content adaptation is right for your organization, revisit our Getting Started page to review your other options.